... the innermost core of man’s nature, the deepest layers of his personality, the base of his “animal nature,” is positive in nature—is basically socialized, forward-moving, rational and realistic.
Carl R. Rogers
Carl Rogers and Schizophrenia
The evolution of Carl Rogers’ thinking on psychosis and schizophrenia: a literature survey.
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The Therapy of Ego Boundary Disorders
The ability to fully comprehend the mental experience of those suffering from ego boundary disorders can sometimes elude the empathic capabilities of therapists. Here, an attempt will be made to understand the disorders using psychological and philosophical models, and to reveal the problem in a way that makes a beneficial psychotherapeutic relationship possible.
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Therapy of Delusion
In psychotherapy for individuals with psychotic disorders, the handling of delusional events represents a particular challenge.
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PCE Literature
PCE Literature was created to provide a modern means of access to the academic literature of Person Centered & Experiential Psychotherapy.
Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies
Journal of the World Association for Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling
Internationale Zeitschrift für Personzentrierte und Experienzielle Psychotherapie und Beratung