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C. R. (1989i). Do We Need “A” Reality? In H. Kirschenbaum & V. L.
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C. R. (1989j). Ellen West - and Loneliness. In H. Kirschenbaum & V. L.
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C. R. (1989l). Inside the World of the Soviet Professional. In H. Kirschenbaum
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C. R. (1989m). My Own Marriage. In H. Kirschenbaum & V. L. Henderson
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C. R. (1989n). On Reaching 85. In H. Kirschenbaum & V. L. Henderson
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C. R. (1989o). Personal Thoughts on Teaching and Learning. In H. Kirschenbaum
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C. R. (1989p). Reflection of Feelings and Transference. In H. Kirschenbaum
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C. R. (1989r). Resolving Intercultural Tensions. In H. Kirschenbaum & V.
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C. R. (1989s). Shall We Get Married? In H. Kirschenbaum & V. L. Henderson
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C. R. (1989t). Social Implications. In H. Kirschenbaum & V. L. Henderson
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C. R. (1989u). Some New Challenges to the Helping Professions. In H.
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C. R. (1989v). Some Thoughts Regarding the Current Presuppositions of the
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C. R. (1989w). The Case of Herbert Bryan. In H. Kirschenbaum & V. L.
Henderson (Eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader (pp. 88–108). Boston:
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C. R. (1989y). The Directive Versus the Nondirective Approach. In H. Kirschenbaum
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C. R. (1989z). The Interpersonal Relationship in the Facilitation of
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C. R. (1989ab). The Politics of Education. In H. Kirschenbaum & V. L.
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C. R. (1989ad). The Rust Workshop. In H. Kirschenbaum & V. L. Henderson
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C. R. (1989ai). What I Learned from Two Research Studies. In H. Kirschenbaum
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C. R. (1992b). Persons Or Science: A Philosophical
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C. R. (1992c). Reply to Rollo May’s Letter to Carl Rogers. In R. B. Miller
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C. R. (1996a). The Case of “Anger and Hurt” (1977). In B. A. Farber, D. C.
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C. R. (1996b). The Case of Gloria (1964). In B. A. Farber, D. C. Brink, &
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C. R. (1996c). The Case of Jill (1983). In B. A. Farber, D. C. Brink, &
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C. R. (1996d). The Case of Jim Brown. In B. A. Farber, D. C. Brink, & P.
M. Raskin (Eds.), The Psychotherapy of Carl
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C. R. (1996e). The Case of Loretta (1958). In B. A. Farber, D. C. Brink,
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